PhD student work > Guidelines for authors
Guidelines for abstract submissions
- The deadline will be on September 20th, 2021.
- The abstract is to be sent via the "Abstract submission" tab in the navigation menu; you may copy-paste the text from your own document.
- The abstract must be written in good English.
- The abstract is limited to 300 words.
- The abstract cannot contain any figure.
- Please provide the following information in the form:
- The title of your work;
- The authors and their affiliation;
- Your email address.
- The abstract may follow the following plan with distinct sections:
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusion
- Accepted abstract will be published on this site; in case you do not want (or a co-author) your abstract to appear online, please inform us by mail at
Presentation format
Presentations will be performed live on the online meeting tool (Cisco Webex). Please make sure that you will have a stable access to Internet with a sufficient transfer rate.
Oral presentations
- The presentation maximum duration is 10 minutes.
- Slides must be numbered.
- The slides must be written in English but the speech can be in English or French.
- A Questions & Answers session of 10 minutes will follow.
- The presentation maximum duration is 5 minutes; it is limited to 5 slides.
- Slides must be numbered.
- The slides must be written in English but the speech can be in English or French.
- A Questions & Answers session of 5 minutes will follow.