Cyrille COLIN is Professor in Epidemiology – Healthcare Economics at Faculté de Santé Lyon Est – Université Lyon 1. As a Public Heath doctor, he is the Head of the Service of Economic Evaluation in Healthcare du Service d’Evaluation Economique en Santé within the Public Health Department of Hospices Civils de Lyon. His research focus on database analysis in the context of Patient Safety for Obstetrics and the implementation of quantitative studies for quality, safety and efficiency of primary care and healthcare pathway.
Conference: “La Santé Publique : de la recherche à la décision publique”
Hugues BERRY is a computional cell biologist inside the Beagle team: Artificial evolution and computational biology; he is also deputy manager and Research Director at Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies du numérique (INRIA). He uses simulation models combining informatics and mathematics to study intracellular dynamics, in particular:
Conference: “A selection of promises and some achievements of AI in digital health”
Olivier BERNARD is Assistant Professor (maître de conférences) in signal and image processing at CREATIS (Centre de Recherche en Acquisition et Traitement de l'Image pour la Santé) lab, affiliated to Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon and to Lyon University. His work deal with ultrasound imaging and heart US scanning, notably image simulations, 3D reconstruction and image analysis (segmentation, tracking, etc.).
Conference: “Artificial Intelligence in cardio-vascular imaging”
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